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Important Information Please Read First All sighting and photographic references on this page are documented and can be verified through various publications. Salmon (Salmo salar) Thousands of…
Loch Ness Monster The Loch Ness Monster is a cryptid - a creature whose existence has been suggested but is not recognized by scientific consensus. Nessie, is reputedly a large unknown animal…
With this, from Beaufort, North Carolina: And here’s an overlay, just in case you’re still unconvinced: (now with excellent .gif) Well, I naively thought that I wouldn’t have to spend my time…
What is the largest land animal on this planet? The answer is the Loch Ness Monster when it comes out of the water to make its rare excursions onto terra firma. In making such a statement, we…
Reference: A still shot from a video that some think shows a monster in Lake Champlain in Vermont. Credit: YouTube There are many lakes around the world reputed to hold monsters. The cold, deep…
Question: For more than a hundred years, strange creatures have been seen in the oceans by thousands of people. Many claim that what they saw was a Plesiosaur. Elasmosaurus was the largest plesiosaur…
Phylis Canion holds the head of what she called a Chupacabras at her home in Cuero, Texas, on Aug. 31, 2007. She found the strange-looking animal dead outside her ranch and thinks it is responsible…
Public Domain It s about thirteen year-old Conor, whose mum is suffering from cancer. Because of this, everybody treats him differently at school and he hates that. Every night, at 12:07, a monster…
A collection of the weird and mysterious creatures found on Olaus Magnus s 16th-century Carta marina,or map of the sea. Credit: Public domain From the Loch Ness Monster to the Kraken, sea…
Is this the Loch Ness monster – spotted 150 miles from its traditional home? The 24-year-old had set up her camera tripod to automatically take photos throughout the day at Windermere. It was…
Searching for Nessie (continued) Important Information Please Read First All sighting and photographic references on this page are documented and can be verified through various publications…
Reference: Though there are dozens, if not hundreds, of lake monsters around the world, one superstar marine denizen outshines them all: Nessie, the beast said to inhabit Scotland s Loch Ness…
High-Speed Chase Meanwhile, the creature itself was no longer at the Loch. After dragging the carcass back to the shore, the scientists from the Flamingo Park Zoo had sent a telegram to their…
It s 80 years to the day since the first known photo claiming to show the Loch Ness monster was taken. The snap, which appears to show a large marine reptile splashing about in the water, was…
A 55-year-old laboratory technician visiting Loch Ness has reportedly captured on video ‘the finest footage ever taken of the elusive mythical creature reputed to swim beneath the waters of Scotland’s…
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