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Free Press Sports Staff The Lake Monsters Skye Bolt, left, and Hudson Valley s Hector Montes, right, wait for the pitch to Richie Martin, center, at Centennial Field in Burlington last week.(Photo:…
This article is under the scope of the Episode Cleanup Project and has yet to be cleaned up to a higher standard of quality. It may contain errors, spelling, grammar and structure issues, or…
This strange and brilliantly camouflaged creature is allegedly responsible for scaring one teenage angler nearly to death and has got to be one of the flat out weirdest lake cryptids ever chronicled…
The Lake Erie Monsters 2014-2015 Promotional Schedule touts a lineup of special theme nights, awesome giveaways and popular promotions that will once again make the Monsters hockey fan experience…
Lake Erie Monsters On Tuesday the American Hockey League announced the rosters for the upcoming 2015 AHL All-Star Classic in Utica, New York, and Monsters defenseman Stefan Elliott has been named…
MONSTERS TO PLAY IN SIXTH OUTDOOR GAME IN AHL HISTORY Team releases additional details on game versus Rochester Americans in Frozen Frontier Classic in Rochester, NY on Friday, December 13th…
Capt. Andy Jones gets up close and personal with a big alligator gar in Lake Pontchartrain on Friday. Jones said the gar measured 6 feet, 9 inches, and weighed between 160 and 180 pounds. Courtesy…
Phylis Canion holds the head of what she called a Chupacabras at her home in Cuero, Texas, on Aug. 31, 2007. She found the strange-looking animal dead outside her ranch and thinks it is responsible…
The parking lot and Lake Monster complex. Lake Monster will be located in the center building with the peaked roof. photo by Loren Green “We’re shooting for September, ” says Lake Monster founder…
BURLINGTON, VT — 2012 Lake Monsters shortstop Addison Russell has been promoted to the Major Leagues with the Chicago Cubs, becoming the 77th former Vermont player to reach the Major Leagues…
The following story written by Doug Plagens originally appeared on on April 9th: Finland is not the largest country in the world by any means, but the hockey-loving nation of just…
Since the time of the Iroquois, people along Lake Champlain have reported seeing a monster in it. Modern Americans call it Champ,and their opinions about it tend to fall into one of two camps:…
It s October, which means Halloween time. Which means time for pumpkins! And we have a special treat for all you Monsters fans this Halloween season. The whole neighborhood will know which hockey…
Strict warning: Non-static method view::load should not be called statically in /home/addison/public_html/sites/all/modules/views/views.module on line 8. strict warning: Declaration of views_handler_field::query…
An overview of documented sightings throughout Ireland. A look at the researchers credited with drawing modern interest to the subject. Kills & Captures Recorded instances where the animals…
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