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Full costume! Originally I wanted to do a couple’s costume with my boyfriend and be the Maitlands from Beetlejuice (which I found a sweet how-to on this site.) He got foam insulation to start…
I don’t generally agree with Paul Krugman. Most people in his own profession don’t generally agree with Paul Krugman, but he has a voice and it’s loud in the American scene, so I’ll address it…
Field Museum scientist Josh Drew recently brought to my attention a new and unusual paper describing a world first. The manuscript by Randy Honebrink and co-authors in Pacific Science describes…
A huge percentage of movies seem to actively hate women. Consider romantic comedies pitched to women, like Bride Wars, I Hate Valentine’s Day, previous Forgotbuster Failure To Launch, and today’s…
They just look a little different in the light of day. “HIC SUNT DRACONES.” This phrase translates from the Latin as “here are dragons.” It is etched on the eastern coast of Asia on one of the…
What is Technical Debt? According to developer Nina Zakharenko’s session at PyCon 2015 Montreal 2015 last week, it’s the result of a series of bad decisions that force a developer to use more…
Extreme angler Jeremy Wade holds a goliath tigerfish caught in the Congo River. Credit: Animal Planet In a widely-seen video clip, biologist and extreme angler Jeremy Wade hooks and wrestles…
By Zabon created 10 Dec 2013 last updated - 10 Dec 2013 These would be my picks for the top 10 worst episodes of Aaahh Real Monsters. I chose the episodes in respective order based on the weakest…
By Ben Whitcomb, Special to Everyday Health My name is Ben Whitcomb. I am a father, a husband, a retired tattoo artist, and many other things. If you are a gamer, you may know me as BPgamer77…
To a new world of gods and monsters… Doctor Pretorius, Bride of Frankenstin (James Whale, 1935) The second issue of Incognitum Hactenus tackles the complex ideas of monstrosity embedded in Doctor…
One thing that makes the latest Po River catch unique is that it was done with a spinning reel, said Valla, who called it a record for such fishing tackle. It took Ferrari 40 minutes to bring…
In my first “What’s on Netflix” post in a while I would like to introduce you to a film I stumbled upon accidentally – Monsters. I happened to be flipping through the channels on my satellite…
Is the TV show Mountain Monsters fake?? Well I finally watched a whole episode of on the Destination America channel and here is my take on it and review. The episode I watched was Sheepsquatch…
The deepest depths of the ocean are home to all sorts of weird creatures but it has taken experts two years to identify this huge sea monster. This mysterious creature was captured on camera…
REAL MONSTERS, GRUESOME CRITTERS AND BEASTS FROM THE DARKSIDE (PAPERBACK) Author Brad Steiger Published by Visible Ink Press Publication Date: 2010 Format: Black /White – 433 pages Price: $19.95…
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