Real Monsters Volume 2
To a new world of gods and monsters…
Doctor Pretorius, Bride of Frankenstin (James Whale, 1935)
The second issue of Incognitum Hactenus tackles the complex ideas of monstrosity embedded in Doctor Pretorius’ devilish quote. In this attempt, our Gods and Monsters issue poses a twofold question through, with, and about the monstrous. The first question is of our current socio-economic situation by addressing power structures, struggles for control, and the resulting monstrosities. The second, however, demands that we think of the monster as not just a figure that appears through the socialising and economising of the real, but as the un-figuring of the socio-econom-ethical field by the real.
The incredible contributors to Gods and Monsters take on board the idea of the “monster” in all its various incarnations: Gilda Williams, Dave Tompkins, Darren Banks, Benjamin Noys on Jeremy Millar, Mark Fisher, Allen S. Weiss with Ronald Gonzalez.
Gods and Monsters is dedicated to Mike Kelley (1954 – 2012)
Caryn Coleman and Tom Trevatt……………………………………3
A Critique of Practical Nihilism: Agency in Scott Bakker’s “Neuropath”
Mark Fisher……………………………………………………………5
Iguana Runs This Town
Dave Tompkins: Interview with Walter Murch……………………..13
I, Monster: Gothic Metaphor in the Making and Unmaking of Andy Warhol
Gilda Williams………………………………………………………..19
Occult Negations or, The Changing “Standard of Reality”: Notes on Jeremy Millar
Benjamin Noys with work by Jeremy Millar……………………….31
Gods and Monsters Image Essay
Caryn Coleman and Tom Trevatt…………………………………..39
Cry Me a River: Darren Banks’ I’m Sure if there were a Monster in the Midlands we would have seen it on the Telly
Caryn Coleman……………………………………………………….42
Monsters, Marvels, Mystery, Morbidity, Melancholy
Allen S. Weiss with Work by Ronald Gonzalez…………………….44
Notes on Contributors……………………………………………..45
Image: Film still from Darren Banks’ I’m sure if there were a monster in the midlands we would have seen it on the telly (2011),
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