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Energy drinks can be dangerous for teenagers. Photo Credit Spencer Platt/Getty Images News/Getty Images Many energy drinks have high amounts of caffeine and other ingredients that can cause a…
This thing is at 4.3 million loops on Vine - and still rapidly climbing - as of this post. I m responsible for at least 80 of those views. Because I can t stop watching this 16-year-old kid seemingly…
1 Become a Guardian. It costs a one-time payment of USD $19.95, and it s worth it. You get more features, including access to ArchKnight and Zardwars, two potions instead of one, Guardian blade…
Description Go behind the screams for an in-the-coffin lurk at the life and career of monster pop star, Catty Noir. Summary Catty Noir is the subject of a documentary aiming to understand the…
18 Give your doll a birthday. Don t forget to celebrate! 19 During the winter, bundle your doll up. She does not like being cold. (Exception: Abbey Bominable) 20 Celebrate Christmas. Make tiny…
Residents of Fairbanks, Alaska have been seeing alien -like monster fish rain down on them from the sky. While of this Earth, the Arctic Lamprey exposes its sharp, pointy teeth around an eyeball…
Gigi Grant pairs a colourful top and stylish black pants with golden detailing. Monster fun with Gigi Grant Gigi accessorises with platform shoes, dazzling jewellery, and a matching lantern purse…
Release Date:Boo York, Boo Yorkis the twelfth TV special produced for the Monster High cartoon series and is meant to be a musical. It was released on September 29, 2015. The TV special ties…
USA Version In a nutshell, Monster High: 13 Wishes is a 3D platformer where you spend most of your time endlessly and aimlessly searching for trinkets to open up new stages and collect more trinkets…
By Gary Goldschneider Does your boss routinely wake up on the wrong side of the bed, or is he always chipper? Whether he s likeable or moody, low-key or high-strung, you may be able to shed light…
With voice recognition technology, the journal only opens to your voice with a spooky password you create. You can also record your personal welcome greeting, sign on and off message. Then, get…
1 Read up about the monster you are going to kill, know it s weakness, its strong points and the damage it can hit on you. Ad 2 Make sure you have the best food and prayers for the monster, the…
Release Date:Freaky Fusionis the tenth TV special produced for the Monster High cartoon series . The TV special ties into the, , , and lines. Story As part of the Bite-Centennial s celebrations…
Release Date:Ghouls Ruleis the sixth TV special produced for the Monster High cartoon series . The TV special ties into the line. Summary As each year prior to Halloween, the students of Monster…
Want a high-paying job after you earn your bachelor’s degree? Take more technology, business or finance classes. Students who graduate with these degrees draw the highest starting salaries because…
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