Monster High Star signs
By Gary Goldschneider
Does your boss routinely wake up on the wrong side of the bed, or is he always chipper? Whether he's likeable or moody, low-key or high-strung, you may be able to shed light on his approach to work - and how you might work with him - by aligning his astrological sign with his management style.
The Aries Boss
March 21-April 20
Strengths: inspiring, dynamic, trailblazing
Weaknesses: unheeding, stressed, unaware
Interactive Style: confrontational, commanding, blunt
Aries bosses are born leaders, so there will be little doubt as to their wishes concerning the direction the group should take. Explicit, clear and demanding, these fiery individuals will ask for every ounce of commitment and energy their employees can muster, and then some. Because they are so comfortable in this role, they are eager to make decisions and see them implemented. True individuals, they naturally respect individuality in others and are surprisingly open to and even expectant of their employees acting on their own, once they understand what is expected of them.
The Taurus Boss
April 21-May 21
Strengths: stable, attentive, careful
Weaknesses: bossy, inflexible, insensitive
Interactive Style: concerned, instructive, explicit
Many people have described the Taurus personality as bossy. Indeed, the Taurus boss is comfortable in this role but prefers to stay behind the scenes and let things run smoothly on their own. This, of course, assumes that employees have been coached well and know what to expect from a Taurus boss. Such assumptions are not always justified, although Taurus bosses usually take the time and trouble to spell out how they want their employees to proceed. Rules and regulations are usually kept to a minimum but are written in stone, at least as far as the Taurus boss is concerned.
The Gemini Boss
May 22-June 21
Strengths: lively, communicative, interesting
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