New Monsters MH4U

And... The Seregios Impaler. Cut the tail, never get it.
Yeah, Seregios turns into Narga once you memorize his tells. Like someone else said though, he can give you a hard time if your rhythm is off.I'm honestly a little iffy on the 4th gen changes they made to older monsters, like Zinogre's new delay, Brachy's new lurching pound, Rathalos' lock-on dive, etc.
I would say my favorite mobster to fight at the moment is Chaotic Gore. His moveset is more difficult without Shaggy's annoying meteor explosions, and always a dynamic and exciting fight.
Gore Magala when he's truly enraged, cause he looks so freaking awesome
Nuff said
FC: miskey67 || 1822-2278-7667
MH4U: miskey
Up-and-Coming N00b
None of them. If any were my favorite I would refuse to hunt and kill them. It pleases me greatly to get that last hit on an annoying monster as it draws its last breath.
PSN: BlueSalvation (please leave a message that you are from Capcom Unity)
Man I just too down caravan 10star stygian zinogre and Seregios, had an epic battle dancing between the both of them then sliced the Seregios tail off only to have the zinogre tail thwaps on in range my full overcharge chargeblade attack, sliced 2 tails off in one combo. I really really Really wish I still had my capture 3ds for that.
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