Monster New Zealand [Monsters]

Monster New Zealand

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Some people say it's a glitch, some say it's a tree trunk and others say it's a ... sea monster. Still, a strange line spotted by Google Earth in the waters off the coast of New Zealand's North Island has certainly gotten the internet talking.

The large space was first spotted by engineer Pita Witehira.

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The large mass is surrounded by a huge wake, captured by satellites at about 11:30 a.m. on January 30.

He doesn't think the disruption was caused by a boat because they tend to leave a frothy wake behind.

"I spotted it about a week ago, " the New Zealand resident told the Daily Mail Monday.

"We have some property near Oke Bay and I’m about to build a beach chalet up there, I zoomed down and found that. It’s way too wide for a shark and way too long… It’s got to have a lot of weight under the water to create that kind of drag."

According to the Huffington Post, this isn't the first time a sea creature has been spotted in the region: An amateur photographer claims he captured a shot of the Loch Ness Monster in the area back in 2013.

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