Top Trumps Monsters University
Snow is now falling briskly in the underworld, but it can’t be helped. It is not that my opinion of the Trumpster has changed. I still think he is a less appealing Jabba the Hutt in a bad toupee. But still.
According to the AP:
New York’s attorney general sued Donald Trump for $40 million Saturday, saying the real estate mogul helped run a phony “Trump University” that promised to make students rich but instead steered them into expensive and mostly useless seminars, and even failed to deliver promised apprenticeships. … Attorney General Eric Schneiderman says many of the 5, 000 students who paid up to $35, 000 thought they would at least meet Trump but instead all they got was their picture taken in front of a life-size picture of “The Apprentice” TV star.
“Trump University engaged in deception at every stage of consumers’ advancement through costly programs and caused real financial harm, ” Schneiderman said. “Trump University, with Donald Trump’s knowledge and participation, relied on Trump’s name recognition and celebrity status to take advantage of consumers who believed in the Trump brand.”
There is another word for “consumers who believed in the Trump brand” enough to pay $35, 000 to go to Donald Trump University, and it rhymes with “Borons.”
New York is suing Trump for fraud. Maybe the word “University” shouldn’t have been in the name, but does the state of New York always swoop in on such cases? If so, I know some people who paid $12.50 each to attend “Monsters University” at their local cinemas who learned very little about being monsters and became, if anything, less attractive as hiring prospects.
Also, doesn’t the proximity of the name “Donald Trump” in the phrase “Donald Trump University” cancel out “university, ” like “Facebook” in “Facebook privacy”?
Donald Trump University didn’t make you rich? Donald Trump can barely make Donald Trump rich!
What did people think they were going to get out of this? Even if the program did what it promised — offered you an instructor hand-picked by Donald Trump who showed you the way to replicate The Donald’s success — you wouldn’t actually be much better off. “Okay, ” the instructor would say. “First, be born the son of real estate developer Fred Trump. Then lose a lot of money. Call me back when you’ve completed that step, and we’ll discuss hair options.”
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