Sully Monsters Inc. Adult Costumes
Step 1
- I purchased an exercise ball from Walmart (75 cm wide) for $7 and then used newspaper and a Elmer’s Glue base to paper mache around the ball (I needed 6 bottles for the entire costume). I applied three layers of paper mache to the ball, making sure to allow 24 hours in between applications for the ball to dry. Make sure it is completely dried before you apply another layer. Do not cut the newspaper, rip it into strips before you apply it, it adheres better to the ball. Give yourself enough time to complete the costume, start a week before! It is very time consuming!
Step 2
- Next, I cut out holes for my head, arms, eye, and the bottom to fit my body through. I used a large mixing bowl for the eye and painted the outside with acrylic paints. I cut out the mouth from cardboard and painted it with acrylic paints. I spray painted the ball with white spray paint to prime it and then I spray painted it with green spray paint to match the color of Mike. To make sure the costume was sturdy enough to endure a crowded night on the town, I reinforced it with chicken wire and hot glue on the inside of the ball.
Step 3
- I bought a construction hat from a Halloween shop and then spray painted it blue. I painted on the Monsters Inc logo with acrylic paints.
Step 4
- I bought a green long sleeve shirt and green leggings to finish off the costume.
Everyone loved my costume and all I heard all night was “Mike Wazowski!”! I stopped to take pictures with everyone.
Total Cost: ~$40.00
James P. Sullivan Costume
I am an amateur costume maker and don’t have any experience sewing so this costume was a little tricky.
- I bought a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie from Wal-Mart (~$15) to use as the base for the costume. I then bought faux fur from a fabric store (3 1/2 yards-$20). They did not have any colored fur, so I settled on white. I used the sweats to measure and cut out the fur. I hot glued all of the costume together since I was unable to sew it; it would have been A LOT faster to do so! I then covered a pair of old slippers with the fabric for the feet. I used the extra material to make a large tail and filled it with stuffing. When all of the fabric was applied, I spray painted the whole costume with aqua spray paint (I was unable to dye the fabric because it was 100% polyester and the acrylic fabric primer did not apply evenly). I let it dry overnight and then spray painted the purple spots onto the costume.
- I made the toenails and spikes for the tail out of cardboard and painted them black. I used hot glue to glue them onto the costume.
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