Loch Ness Monster hoax confession [Monsters]

Loch Ness Monster hoax confession

Steve FelthamPETER JOLLY NORTHPIX Hoax:Monster hunter Steve Feltham with the fibreglass 'Nessie' used by George Edwards

But Mr Edwards has now confessed he simply photographed a fibre-glass hump that was made for a film about Nessie.


Fake: George's Nessie picture

“It was just a bit of fun, ” said the Loch Ness cruise ship captain, 62, whose fake picture was seen around the world.

George Edward's Nessie picture, he only took one frame“I’m now happy to join the rogues’ gallery with the surgeon who produced the best-known Nessie image.”

The so-called “Surgeon’s Photograph” by Dr Robert Wilson, published in 1934, supposedly showed the monster’s head and neck.

Another hoax: The famous 'Surgeon's Photograph' from 1934

It was later proved to be a hoax but Mr Edwards said: “How do you think Loch Ness would have fared over the years without that picture?

"I’ve no guilty feelings at all about what I’ve done.”


Unrepentant: George Edwards

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