Loch Ness Monster and Scotland

His story was that he had helped make a model out of a toy submarine and photographed the model. Spurling claimed that his stepbrother, Ian Wetherell, and Ian's father, Marmaduke ("Duke") Wetherell, had been hired by the Daily Mail to find Nessie. They made their "monster" out of a 14 inch toy submarine and plastic wood. The photo was taken so seriously that they dared not own up to the hoax at the time You can take you pick as to whether this confession is proof that the photo is a fake or not.
Seen on land 1934
Arthur Grant, a veterinary student, saw the thing crossing the road as he rode along on his motorbike. His decryption matched that of a Plesiosaurus - small head, long neck, big body with flippers and a tail. The Plesiosaurus, a relative of the dinosaur, has been thought to be extinct for some 65 million years.You might also like

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Searching for the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland