Loch Ness Monster and other myths [Monsters]

Loch Ness Monster and other myths

Appearances GTA: SA


Behavior UNKNOWN
Existence FALSE - GTA SA


The Loch Ness Monster (also know as the Fisher's Lagoon Creature) is a myth in GTA San Andreas.

GTA San Andreas

As many other myths, it started in 2005 when players reported seeing black lines in the water, or even the head an neck resembling the Spicer Photograph. The most common sighting area for this creature is Fisher's Lagoon, north of Los Santos where the Rusty Wheelchair can be found and some of them also claimed to have seen this myth in south Los Santos. Other places where they said the monster could be found is in the San Fierro Bay, around the Gant Bridge, and in the Ghost Lake in Back 'o' Beyond. Players have said that they would put CJ in a boat and leave the game on all night (real life night). Then in the morning CJ would end up in the hospital, hinting that the Loch Ness Monster killed him, although it could be from either hunger, or an airplane falling on the player. Also players have said that once you touch the monster, CJ dies immediately. Rockstar has claimed multiple times that there is no Loch Ness Monster in the waters of San Andreas.

GTA San Andreas Myths & Legends -Loch Ness Monster HD-1Many players have tried to debunk this myth by claiming that the underwater shadows are just visual glitches.

Up until now, there has been very little proof that any type of large creature exists in Fisher's Lagoon, aside from various blurry photographs and videos.


It is rumored that the myth of the Loch Ness Monster will return in GTA V, due to the fact that the the player will have access to submarines and will be able to dive underwater as well as a few sightings of the dead Loch Ness Monster, but actually appears to be the whale skeleton.

Video Investigation


GTA San Andreas Myths & Legends -Loch Ness Monster HD-1

4 messages

this page you can see the information about the glitch.

Yeah, I agree with Hunter, I also saw this glitch numerous times. When I was trying to activate the TT glitch with faster clock in-game, I ...

Yolo247 games

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