Top monsters of all time
Movie monsters come in all shapes and sizes, and while some of the smallest creatures have produced the greatest fear in humanity, there’s no questioning that the giant monsters that attack whole cities and engulf victims like Tic-Tacs are terrifying on a whole other scale (get it?). Movies have seen their fair share of the big fellas, and we’ve narrowed them down to those we think are the scariest of them all.
Certain giant movie monsters just missed the cut, but came to mind while developing our 10 favorites. For instance, the Brain Bug from Starship Troopers is a massive and disgusting creature and the Graboids of Tremors are hideous creatures, but ultimately both missed our list.
Don’t forget monsters that don’t quite fit the protocol, like the aliens from War of the Worlds or Independence Day. While their ships were massive and had the ability to destroy entire cities, the monsters themselves were “regular-size” aliens.
One name that may instantly creep into your head throughout this process is King Kong. But we’ve decided he’s just not that scary. Sure, a run-in on the streets of Manhattan might stop your heart, but after Peter Jackson’s extensive humanization of the great ape, he’s just not all that scary any more.
Without further ado, let’s get right into the scariest giant movie monsters of all time. SOME SPOILERS ahead as many of the films hide the identity until the last act.
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