Inc. Monsters characters
- Jerk Jock: Hand in hand with Jerkass, he was even a member of the Roar Omega Roar fraternity until he got thrown out of the scare program.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Over the course of the film, he outgrows this and becomes a much better person.
- My God, What Have I Done?: One of these prompts his Heel Realization (see above).
- Nice Guy: He becomes this by the end of Monsters University, and he's consistently polite in Monsters Inc.
- Papa Wolf: Steadily becomes this to Boo, big time.
- Super Strength: Prominently displayed during his fit of Unstoppable Rage when he goes saving Boo. The secret door and the scream extractor are no match for him.
- Took a Level in Kindness: In Monsters University, he starts out as snob, but he develops into the kindhearted beast he is in Monsters, Inc.
- Unskilled, but Strong: In college, this is how Sulley, at first, impresses his teachers; he barely studies, but his natural abilities still make him a great scarer. However, Reality Ensues when he's properly evaluated, and he finds a single great roar can't account for every kid.
- Wham Line: To Mike regarding his scaring skills after he found out Sulley cheated in University:
Sulley: What, am I gonna let a whole team lose because you don't have it?!"
Mike Wazowski
Click to see Mike as he appears in Monsters UniversityYolo247 games
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