Red Alert Monsters Inc
A suspicious emailed showed up in the NBC 12 inbox and it may show up in your email. It's a job offer claiming to be from Monster Energy Drink.
The subject of this email is "Job opening Monster Energy drink." If you're looking for employment, don't rush to reply to this email. It claims you can make 300-dollars a week. All you have to do is wrap your car with a Monster Energy Drink logo and drive around town.
We reached out to Monster Energy Drink. The company says in part: "Monster Energy company is not involved with this offer. We believe the email is a scam and we urge you not to participate or respond."
We didn't just stop with contacting Monster. We also called the number mentioned in that email and it was disconnected. This is a big red flag, especially since the email is claming to come from a major company. There are other red flags, like grammatical errors. For example a sentence that says, " We look forward to reading from you soon."
The bogus email also wants you to respond with some personal information, don't do it. If you do, you could be setting yourself up to receive more scam emails. You can report fraudulent offers like this to the Internet Crime Complaint Center at or, which is connected the National Consumer League.
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